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Passionate, Tenacious, Engaged.

Creative solutions that work for our clients.


When it comes to protecting your rights, you won’t have a better ally.


The legal landscape in New York is strewn with law firms that promise to help people through their divorce cases by standing firm with them during a difficult time. However, when push comes to shove, many lawyers — even those from some of the biggest and best-known firms in Manhattan — would rather compromise in order to avoid even the possibility of going to trial, often to the detriment of one party.

The attorneys at Peter Morris Law are cut from a different cloth. They will provide you with an honest assessment of your case and truly get to know you and your situation. Through this process, they will develop a comprehensive strategy to champion you and your cause and work to get you the best possible result.

You Can Rely On Our Courtroom Skills

Many matrimonial law attorneys lack the litigation and courtroom skills to take a case through trial. The attorneys at Peter Morris Law, however, have no such hesitations. Their ability to engage in complex litigation, including forensic discovery, motion practice, depositions and trial provides a client with a full and complete arsenal toward achieving the best possible result via either negotiation and settlement or trial.

They have successfully argued many contested cases on behalf of their clients, and their intimate knowledge of the law means that they know how to benefit their clients in matters such as child custodychild supportspousal maintenance and support and all other aspects of high-asset divorce.

What makes our firm different? Watch:

The division of marital assets can be a complicated and contentious process, but the attorneys at Peter Morris Law put in the work to provide maximum value to their clients.

Contact Peter Morris Law today to schedule a consultation about your case. Call the attorneys at (212) 679-6700 or complete and submit the online contact form.